Summer Glowup: Our best Onyx summer tips! 


by | Jun 17, 2024 | Uncategorized

Understanding Summer Skin Challenges

Summer brings a few skin challenges:

– More UV exposure leading to sun damage

– Hotter weather causing dehydration and excess oil

– Outdoor fun leading to clogged pores and breakouts

For everyone aged 25-65, tackling these issues is key to maintaining a youthful, healthy complexion. Here’s how Onyx Beauty Lab can help you overcome these challenges with our specialized treatments.

1. Injectables and PRP for Instant Refresh

Injectables: Neurotoxins  (commonly referred to as “Botox ®”  or “Dysport ®”)  and dermal fillers are fantastic for smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a smoother, more youthful look. 

The benefits may include:

– Quick and minimally invasive procedures

– Fast results with minimum downtime

– Targeted treatment for specific areas like crow’s feet, forehead lines, and frown lines

*We must note that results are not guaranteed; you should consult your medical provider, as possible undesirable side effects may occur.*

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Therapy uses your platelets to boost collagen production and rejuvenate your skin.

 It can be used to:

– Improve skin texture and tone

– Reduce acne scars and pigmentation

– Promote overall skin health

– Add volume to target areas (when injected into the area directly)

Combining these treatments is a great way to give you a refreshed and revitalized appearance, perfect for summer.‌


2. Chemical Peels for Even Skin Tone

Chemical peels are a great way to tackle pigmentation and uneven skin tone caused by sun exposure. 

Our custom peels:

– Exfoliate the outer layers of skin to reveal a brighter complexion

– Improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines

– Help manage acne and reduce dark spots‌

With regular treatments, chemical peels can significantly enhance your skin’s clarity and glow.

3.  Aquafirme Facials for Deep Hydration

Aquafirme facials are designed to hydrate and nourish your skin deeply, keeping it plump and glowing all summer.

 These facials:

– Use advanced technology to infuse the skin with essential nutrients

– Provide a deep cleanse, removing impurities and unclogging pores

– Boost moisture levels, combating dryness caused by sun exposure‌

An Aquafirme facial is a perfect pre-summer treatment to ensure your skin looks its best.

Personalized Treatment Plans‌

At Onyx Beauty Lab, we understand that everyone’s skin is unique. We offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs and concerns. 

Our expert practitioners:

– Conduct detailed skin assessments to determine the best course of action

– Customize treatment combinations to address your particular concerns

– Provide ongoing support and advice to help you maintain your results

This personalized approach ensures you get the most effective treatments for your skin and ultimate goals. 

Our commitment to excellence has also earned us industry recognition, affirming our position as a leading aesthetic clinic in Kelowna.

Feel the summer glow.

As summer approaches, it’s the perfect time to invest in your skin health. 

Our “Summer Glowtox” treatment combination therapy includes neurotoxin with an additional skin service (such as a light chemical peel or a skin booster treatment) and is designed to help you achieve a youthful, luminous complexion.

How to get started? 

1. Book a Consultation: Schedule a personalized consultation to discuss your skin concerns and develop a tailored treatment plan.

2. Follow Us on Social Media: Stay updated with tips, success stories, and exclusive offers by following us on Instagram and Facebook.

Book your appointment today and take the first step towards your summer glow-up!

Contact Onyx Beauty Lab today to book your consultation and discover how our expert treatments can help you achieve that summer glow.

Visit our website at or call us at 250-800-6888 to get started.

Reveal your most luminous self this summer with Onyx Beauty Lab.‌

We can’t wait to help you shine! Let’s chat