Part Three: The Drawbacks of Inconsistent Skincare. Why Routines Matter


by | Oct 1, 2024 | Uncategorized

  1. Short-term reactions
    If your skin regularly faces inconsistent treatment or care, you’re more likely to experience short-term issues or changes. For example, you might notice dull or oily skin during periods of neglect. Or a rougher texture appears and you temporarily lose the smooth or shine in your skin’s appearance.

  2. Exacerbation of underlying issues
    If your skin is prone to common conditions like acne or oily skin, an inconsistent care plan can cause disruption and flare-ups. You might experience acne issues like clogged pores, increased breakouts, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, for example. Or you could be negatively affecting your skin’s protective barrier function and hydration, making it more susceptible to irritation and environmental elements.

  3. Treatment setbacks
    If you’ve been working with a skin expert to address concerns or are working toward long-term plans and programs for your skin, inconsistencies can hinder progress and add more time to your initial timeline. It may now take longer to achieve your desired results or see incremental changes if the plan is disrupted.

  4. Unplanned and unprotected skin
    As time passes, change is inevitable and unfortunately, beyond our control. There will always be external impacts and stressors alongside the natural change and evolution our bodies face with age. Setting a skincare routine allows you to work with change because you’ll be able to plan and sometimes even prolong the inevitable shifts. It will also get you ahead in your planning for upcoming events, special occasions and milestones in your life.